Hi There,

I just found out about version 3.2.  I Didn't receive an Email about that for some reason.

My 3.2 Upgrade went Mainly Well, except for the Results.  I Removed (content/ecard-files/ - content/emojis/ - licence.lic) from the Zip, just like you wrote.

When I Click On the Add Emojis link, it shows (/home/tte/public_html/content/_theme_custom/html/ecards/ecard-emoji.htm is missing).  I Uploaded a BackUp on a Different URL, and the BackUp Also Doesn't have (/home/tte/public_html/content/_theme_custom/html/ecards/ecard-emoji.htm).  However, I Never had that Error before.

Max Ecard Recipients: 3, and Enable WYSIWYG Edit for Visitors: Yes Aren't changing anything.  Even After I Clear my Cache.

Also, when I click Preview Ecard, the Animation PopUp Keeps Spinning Around.  smile