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scarr105 @ 18-01-2016 15:57:33

Help documents say 2.0 as the version.

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scarr105 @ 17-01-2016 18:04:00

Thanks David,

Here is another error log file I found in the maiancart root directory

[17-Jan-2016 12:45:33 America/New_York] PHP Fatal error:  The file /home4/talquint/public_html/storefront/control/functions.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 4 and cannot run under PHP 5.5 or PHP 5.6.
Please ask the provider of the script to provide a version encoded with the ionCube Encoder for either PHP 5.3 or PHP 5.4 or PHP 5.5. in Unknown on line 0

Do I need to just download the ionCube 4.0 files from the download link you provided and replace the file and update my php.ini to point to version 4 instead of 5.6

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scarr105 @ 15-01-2016 13:17:31

Thanks for the help but it's still not working, here is the error logs I'm seeing maybe you can help me understand what is means.

[Fri Jan 15 06:11:53 2016] [error] [client ] Failed loading /usr/php/56/usr/lib64/php/modules/  /usr/php/56/usr/lib64/php/modules/ undefined symbol: zend_execute_ex
[Fri Jan 15 06:11:53 2016] [error] [client ] Zend OPcache requires Zend Engine API version 220131226.
[Fri Jan 15 06:11:53 2016] [error] [client ] The Zend Engine API version 220100525 which is installed, is outdated.
[Fri Jan 15 06:11:53 2016] [error] [client ]

I'm not sure if my files are the issue or if it's something on my provider side.


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scarr105 @ 13-01-2016 13:25:46

I'm not sure what happened the cart was working and than it stopped working with the following error.

Site error: the file /home4/talquint/public_html/storefront/index.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader to be installed by the website operator. If you are the website operator please use the ionCube Loader Wizard to assist with installation.

I have downloaded and installed the 5.6 files but when I update the php.ini file with 5.6 the site gives a 500 error.  Do you have any suggestions on how to get the store back up?


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scarr105 @ 09-01-2014 20:10:46

Thanks for the quick reply, I see 2 status Failed and 1 retrying.  Looking at the details I see a HTTP response code of 403 Forbidden.  So for some reason the page is not accessible at times.  I guess I will need to get with my Host and see why this is happening.

Is there a way I can test the accessibility of the page by just typing it into the browser, I resent a failed status and it failed again.

Message ID 63J488XXXXW0996022
Date/time created 1/9/2014 15:10 EST
Original/Resent Resent
Latest delivery attempt date/time 1/9/2014 15:10 EST
Notification URL
HTTP response code 403
Delivery status Failed
No. of retries 0
Transaction ID 9GV020XXXXW736283M
IPN type Transaction made
IPN Message payer_id=2K4XXXXXXXXXX&address_country_code=US&ipn_track_id=a1b0eXXX417f55&address_zip=36874&charset=windows-1252&payment_gross=65.00&address_status=confirmed&address_street=240 lee rd. 344&verify_sign=An5ns1KXXXX7MWUdW4ErQKJJJ4qi4-ATv5EL647K9WkbBFCXXXXXVq0Azb&txn_type=send_money&receiver_id=ASXXXXXEP8VVX8&payment_fee=2.19&mc_currency=USD&transaction_subject=&protection_eligibility=Eligible&address_country=United States&payer_status=verified&first_name=fXXX&address_name=frXXk key&mc_gross=65.00&payment_date=07:51:24 Dec 17, 2013 PST&payment_status=Completed&

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scarr105 @ 09-01-2014 19:43:09

I'm using cart 2.0 and things have been great since it came out but now we are getting these emails from paypal about IPN.  We have not changed any settings in the admin for some time because the system is set up just the way we want it.  Can you provide any insight on to why we are getting this email form paypal.

Subject: PayPal Instant Payment Notification Warning
From:    "" <>
Date:    Wed, January 8, 2014 11:06 pm
To:      "Gregg Pla" <>

Hello Gregg Pla,

Please check your server that handles PayPal Instant Payment Notifications
(IPN). IPNs sent to the following URL(s) are failing:

If you do not recognize this URL, you may be using a service provider that
is using IPN on your behalf. Please contact your service provider with the
above information. If this problem continues, IPNs may be disabled for
your account.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this issue.




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scarr105 @ 30-10-2012 16:44:24


I'm asking if you can think about adding a notes field to the add products page and manage products page.  This would be a private Notes field not seen by the customer, this would allow the store admin to add notes so they can remember why they made a modification to the item.

We would find this very useful because sometimes we will disable a product a reason but it may be weeks that go by and I forget why I disabled the product, if I have made a note it would have helped.

Hopefully you can understand what I'm talking about.


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scarr105 @ 18-10-2012 20:56:52

I have added a few new Order Statues, is there a way to have these statues show up on the dashboard under PENDING SALES/AWAITING DESPATCH section.

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scarr105 @ 01-10-2012 21:14:31


Check out the custom template I made a while back it may help you.

It will display all sold items on a custom page, it allows you to just disable the purchase if the sold item so it doesn't show up in the active products.  The end user(customer) would click on a link that said sold items and be able to view all sold items.

Feel free to check out my site for a working example, when an item sells on our site we leave it active for about a month and then disable in the admin section but the item will continue to be shown on the sold items page.


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scarr105 @ 30-09-2012 11:58:00


There may be an issue with calculating taxes

Sub Total US$145.00
Discount Coupon- US$35.00
Tax (7.5%)US$10.88
Grand Total US$120.88

From this example the tax is being applied before the discount and I think it should be applied after the discount.  At least that's how it's usually done in the US.  So the above example should look something like this

Sub Total US$145.00
Discount Coupon- US$35.00
SubTotal: US$110.00
Tax (7.5%)US$8.25
Grand Total US$118.25

Maybe this can be an admin option to determine how this is done.


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scarr105 @ 26-09-2012 21:00:08

Thanks David,

2.05 is holding up very well for us, we haven't had many issues only a few minor things like this last one.  We have gotten soem great feedback form customers about the shopping cart.  They say it looks so good and very easy to use, we are very happy with it.

The free shipping my show up if I had marked it as free shipping but since I added a decimal to the weight box, I may have caused a check to be skipped.  Either way not a big deal.

thanks for the hard work,


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scarr105 @ 26-09-2012 20:45:32


Just had a sale and the user was only given the option of free shipping (do to my error).  When the order came through on the invoice it does show that free shipping was selected as a shipping method.  No shipping method shows up at all.  This made me think it was a free local pick up at first until I realize I had made a mistake when entering the weight of the item.  Turns out that mistake offers the customer the free shipping option.  Do you think you could look into adding free shipping as the shipping method on the invoice.

My Mistake:
I entered .5 as a weight and I guess that caused an issue, I went back and looked and the help file does say to not use . or , in the weight field.


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scarr105 @ 07-09-2012 12:23:30

Is there a way to mark a single item as pick only, just like free shipping option for single product.  We currently handle this by disabling purchase for the item and making a note they must contact us for purchase but we get a lot of people asking to purchase item online. Than we have to send them a invoice with paypal, I would like to see if they could just use the cart for purchases saving us teh manual steps we currently use.


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scarr105 @ 27-07-2012 21:42:20

I'd like to see the option to print out all items currently available in the cart.  Similar to the Hit Counter were it will display the item code, item, categories, ETC.  It could be placed under tools just like the hit counter.

I currently just jump into phpadmin and run an sql command but it may be a nice feature for those who can't do that.


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scarr105 @ 17-07-2012 20:41:28


I will be emailing you the documentation I got from our merchant Account company.  When you get a chance please look it over and see if we can uses this as a payment option.  If we can will there be a charge to have you do it and how much would it be?


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scarr105 @ 28-06-2012 20:40:38

We just opened a merchant account to allow us to accept credit cards at our new store location using our phones, laptop with card swiper and they said if we have a website we could use this merchant account to accept transactions.

If I was able to get the information from them, could we uses this new service with the cart?  I know it would have to be a custom job done by you but would it be possible.  If so what information would I need to get from them so you can deteremine if it's possible.

Thanks for your help with this.

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scarr105 @ 04-05-2012 14:00:36


I'm sorry I'm at it again with this insurance stuff.  Is there a way to have insurance optional but during checkout that have to add it if they want it, instead of remove it if they don't want it.


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scarr105 @ 02-05-2012 11:10:25

Looks good, if you post it live to the Internet maybe I can look a source code and find the issue with that small part. I'll send you a quick email, let work on that off the forum that way we don't clog up this template forum.


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scarr105 @ 01-05-2012 18:40:27

No problem, glad I was able to help.


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scarr105 @ 01-05-2012 17:52:41

OK, here is the remaining code for the file HTML/footer-commerical.htm.  For the free version this may have to go in another footer file.  If I were you I would purchase the commerical version and be done with it.  This is a great cart system and worth the money.


<br /><br />
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" >

Copyright<br />
<table border="0">
facebook image and link</td>
<!-- BEGIN Attracta script -->
<!-- Site Meter script -->
Twitter image/link</td>

That is everything you should need, I hope that helps.


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scarr105 @ 30-04-2012 02:25:52

Here is something quick I can share with you.

Open templates\header.tpl.php this code goes right after the body tag.

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="1012" align="center" border="0">
<br />
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
    <td background="IMAGE.gif" valign="top"><img src="IMAGE.gif" /></td>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0" class="B">
    <td valign="top">&nbsp;<br /></td>

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0" class="B">

    <td valign="top">
			<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
  			  <td colspan="2" valign="top" bgcolor="#CCCC99">
<!--END MENU-->
  			  <td width="20%" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
  			  <td valign="top" align="center">&nbsp;</td>
    			<td colspan="2" align="center" valign="top">
                <table width="96%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td background="TBG.gif"><img src="IMAGE.gif" width="980" /></td></tr>
                    <td background="TBG.gif" valign="top">
                      <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="96%" border="0" align="center">
    <td valign="top" align="left">
	  <!-- MY HEADER END-->


Cart code will start here.............

As you can see I left a TD open on my last line, this TD tag will be closed in the footer template.  This way the cart is now within the borders of my table.

Hope that help a little, at this time I don't have the time to do a full how-to.


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scarr105 @ 28-04-2012 12:02:51


Thanks for the update, glad it's working almost (lol).  Here is the qiuck fix, I will update the code later this weekend and post an update.

echo mc_txtParsingEngine($rowArray['salePrice']); 
echo "<a href='../membership.php'>Click for Prices</a>";

and change to 

echo "$".mc_txtParsingEngine($rowArray['salePrice']); 

or if you want the $ at the end of the price change to:
echo mc_txtParsingEngine($rowArray['salePrice'])."$"; 

That line for Click to see Prices shouldn't be there, that is part of another script I'm working on and forgot to remove it.

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scarr105 @ 27-04-2012 13:34:45


Just realized the script will not work if you have Enable Search Engine Friendly URLs: Yes in the general settings.  I'm working to fix that now.  I've updated the download so you no longer have to edit the connection info, it just uses the connection info from the cart.

I updated the code to work with Search Engine friendly URLs being on or off.  Also you nolonger have to edit anything in the file.  It will get teh connection info form the cart script and will find page url by itself.  So you just need to copy the page into the customtemplate folder.

Download: [url][/url] - updated 4/27/2012


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scarr105 @ 27-04-2012 02:27:28

Files have been updated. SOLD ITEMS TEMPLATE

Download: [url][/url] - updated 4/27/2012

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scarr105 @ 27-04-2012 02:18:43


Can you provide the url to your cart. I'm not sure why the Could Not Connect error message is happening as long as you put the right info in the connection section at the top of the page.

As far as the $Page_URL you have right at ?np=12.  I may have some code wrong for those stores not set to use Search Friendly URLs.

I have found 1 issue with a piece of code will re-post once I have it fixed.  This issue should affect the Connection error issue you are having.


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