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guillevilla @ 28-08-2018 22:15:56

Hi David, Thank you very much for the fix I really appreciate it. You really are an amazing programmer.

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guillevilla @ 19-07-2018 04:43:33

Hi Ian thank you for replying, here is the url: thank you for your attention and help

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guillevilla @ 03-07-2018 06:42:27

Hello there, I have the latest version of Maian Music and I am having a problem while attempting to purchase  individual tracks,  it appears that the price is not being transferred to pay pal to finalize the purchase. after I hit check out and pay, it sends me to this address: which is an empty box asking for price per item with a default quatity of 1 . I do not however have a  problem when I purchase an entire collection.  I have tried every change I can think of in the system but I cannot make it work. any advice will be appreciated... Thank you

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guillevilla @ 02-04-2017 18:06:23

Alright. Thank you David, I appreciate your reply. I hope you consider adding and option like that in the future smile. anyway, I love your lockbox, such a great script to have. I am glad I got it. Thanks again.

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guillevilla @ 02-04-2017 07:21:05

is there any way to  call parameters within maian lockbox so that members can access their own information to make updates and add additional packages to their existing account? I am trying to set up a page where members can administer their own accounts with the possibility of adding new packages without having to re-register for that new package.
Unfortunately I have zero programming knowledg but I know how to integrate stuff.
I hope this makes sense. Any suggestion will be appreciated.

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guillevilla @ 16-12-2015 04:21:49

I have generate unique codes that I want to give away or sell as download codes for  songs on my website. is there a possibility to associate those codes to a particular product using a csv file or any other method? I have maian cart v2.05. I will really appreciate your responses or suggestions.

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guillevilla @ 24-11-2012 23:49:28

Hi I am trying to insert google analytics to every page on the maian cart to be able to track visits and clicks, thank you

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