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jjjjeczalik @ 16-12-2020 04:31:58

There are two options that I can't seem to alter or disable in Maian Cart : I wish to remove the "local pickup" option and I wish to not require (make it optional but not mandatory) phone numbers when ordering an item to be shipped. I searched the docs and the admin area, to no avail. Thanks in advance!

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jjjjeczalik @ 16-12-2020 04:11:53

I am posting this here, but it may apply to other Maian PHP scripts as well.

I simply commented out the line in timezones.php until I could figure out what was wrong. It turns out that 'Greenland' is no longer a valid PHP timezone. One must use 'America/Godthab' instead.

I made the change in the control/timezones.php file in both Maian Music and Maian Cart. Surely Sir Bennett will note this for future updates.

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jjjjeczalik @ 02-02-2020 16:08:42

magiccardpops wrote:
Are you requesting what is in the checkout shopping basket ( the +/- feature ) to also be available in the "popup" shopping basket screen? Just curious.


maiandavid wrote:
Yes, the quantity adjustment is on the checkout screen. I'm not planning to add it to the popup. But you have raised a good point about downloads, the quantity should remain static for those, so I will update that. Thanks. smile

That's reasonable; I had set up a particular link so that someone who clicks on it goes to the product page AND


happens (when they land on the page, it loads and then the modal popup loads and the item is added to the cart, all with just one click on the previous page). If a person already has product X in their basket, they would then suddenly find themselves with 2 of said product, and no intuitive way to reduce it back to one.

I'm also trying to figure out a simple way to do the following : (ignore the syntax, of course) : if cart contains product X then Y (e.g., don't show button). But that becomes unnecessary if you eventually add that feature (option to make a static quantity). Oddly enough, setting both "min purchase" and "max purchase" to "1" didn't seem to have the desired effect.

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jjjjeczalik @ 02-02-2020 01:02:55

maiandavid wrote:
Should't affect anything. I have it set to force ssl on my test setups and there are no issues.

I'm sure that it was something "hacky" on my end, as I haven't been able to duplicate the issue.

A small suggestion :

In Maian Music, if someone adds an item to the basket that's already in the basket, it appears as two separate items in the basket, which makes sense since a person would VERY rarely intentionally order two of the same music items, especially downloads. And so it's a simple matter of clicking an "X" to remove one of the two items from the basket.

In Maian Cart, if one adds an item to the basket that's already added, it's still a single line item but "Qty: 2" is noted, and there seems to be no existing way to reduce the quantity to "1" (clicking the trash icon deletes the entire item from the basket). (Or, say if a person is ordering four pillows and changes their mind after seeing the subtotal and wants three, they have to delete the item from the cart and then go to find it again.) I would suggest the added feature of a + and - icon to increase or decrease the quantities in the cart.'s way of doing it is to have a tiny dropdown menu with 1 through 9 and "delete" in it.

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jjjjeczalik @ 31-01-2020 20:51:23

I just installed Maian Cart 3.7. Everything works fine except that I cannot log into the admin area. (Entering correct or incorrect or even NO credentials and then clicking "Login" simply reloads the login page with no error messages anywhere.) While I can pretty much manage the settings and adding products via phpmyadmin, for some things it can be easier to use the admin area. It's a 100% fresh installation. I though that I would ask here because it may be something that others have encountered and been able to fix using "one simple trick", haha.


I don't know if this is a bug or something wierd on my end. The domain on which I installed Maian Cart was an existing site at; the site is set up to force https (so that if someone visits, they will be automatically redirected to

I disabled this (by commenting out the relevant line in my root htaccess file), was then able to log into the admin area, found "force SSL" to be set to "off" (that's the default setting, it seems), set it to "on", restored my original htaccess, and now all is well.

Also, I see there are quite a few new features since the last time that I tried Maian Cart (a couple of years ago). Excellent work, Mr Bennett.

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jjjjeczalik @ 10-01-2019 20:49:57

I neglected to follow up on this here, but the problem had nothing to do with Maian Music and everything to do with a problem on the hosting company's end (which they promptly rectified, once I figured out that the problem was on their end). Your reply is what had me looking at the MySQL angle and not the Maian scripts. Thank you!

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jjjjeczalik @ 02-11-2018 19:42:32

A few days ago (without making any changes to anything), modal windows stopped loading. (Attempting to add an MP3 or a collection to the cart results in the display of the animated loading.gif but nothing else. The error in the log noted that

[Error Code: 8] Trying to get property of non-object
[Error on line 400 in file /[redacted]/control/classes/class.cart.php]

After a couple of days of rolling back edits, eventually all the way back to the original script, I reinstalled the entire script from scratch, using a brand new database as well, and once if was successfully installed, I noticed two things : The admin login does not work no matter what, and bypassing it (by using nothing at all as the username and password) gets me into the admin area, where any action that would ordinarily result in a modal window that says "updated successfully" instead triggers the following in the MM error.log :

Error Code: 8] Undefined index: autoenable
[Date/Time: 2 November 2018 @ 19:11PM]
[Error on line 248 in file /............................../control/classes/class.settings.php]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[Error Code: 8] Undefined index: access
[Error on line 262 in file /............................../control/classes/class.settings.php]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[Error Code: 8] Undefined index: access
[Error on line 263 in file /............................../control/classes/class.settings.php]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[Error Code: 8] Undefined index: access
[Error on line 264 in file /............................../control/classes/class.settings.php]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[Error Code: 8] Undefined index: access
[Error on line 273 in file /............................../control/classes/class.settings.php]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[Error Code: 8] Undefined index: curdisplay
[Error on line 305 in file /............................../control/classes/class.settings.php]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[Error Code: 8] Undefined index: curdisplay
[Error on line 305 in file /............................../control/classes/class.settings.php]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[Error Code: 8] Undefined index: website
[Error on line 310 in file /............................../control/classes/class.settings.php]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[Error Code: 8] Undefined index: email
[Error on line 311 in file /............................../control/classes/class.settings.php]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[Error Code: 8] Undefined index: httppath
[Error on line 312 in file /............................../control/classes/class.settings.php]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[and eight more that are similar to these, followed by]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[Error Code: 2] Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /............................../control/classes/class.errors.php:129)
[Error on line 9 in file /............................../control/classes/class.json.php]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[All of the errors have the same date, so I deleted most of those for the sake of brevity.]

For something to just change like that suggests that something changed on my end, but the situation developed overnight, and now the problem is such that Maian Music doesn't work properly upon re-installation. Meaning that it is certainly not a bug, but if you have heard of this sort of problem happening before, then you probably have a simple way out of it smile

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jjjjeczalik @ 14-10-2018 21:30:24

maiandavid wrote:
You need to change it via the 'control/classes/class.seo.php' file.

That was too easy; thanks.
Incidentally, the line

      'login' => 'login',

is missing (anywhere between lines 144 and 161). I added it and it works just like the others, of course; something small for the next update.

maiandavid wrote:
I would have no idea what 3:3 meant. lol. There is no setting for this one, the time is built by the 'mswTrimTime' function in the 'control/functions.php' file.

I meant to type 3:33, of course. This (your mention of the 'mswTrimTime' function) pointed me in the right direction; thanks.

maiandavid wrote:
Generally people who go for priority support are people who have businesses to run and need more immediate help if something suddenly breaks. For example, a server upgrading something that breaks the system.

I'll remember this once the site can start paying for itself (I've been at this for nearly three years now, so I'm probably as ready as I'll ever be).

Thank you for your assistance!

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jjjjeczalik @ 10-10-2018 19:51:35

(I don't like to flood the board but I believe it's better to start a new topic than add unrelated questions to an old topic, so that future generations can more easily search for answers to their own questions.)

In my original installation of Maian Music, I spent a considerable amount of time trying to make SEO-friendly URLs appear in a language other than English. Needless to say, I broke the installation repeatedly, and in the end, I switched the system back to regular URLs and then used several dozen individual .htaccess redirects to make it appear as IF I had done it properly. E.g., so that would appear as

Before I go through all of that again with my new installation, is there a setting (or a less complex way) to achieve this?

Essentially, in a non-English installation of Maian Music, I would like the words "collection", "basket", "login", etc., to be in the different language.

Also, I noticed that the new release of Maian Music displays track lengths as 3m 33s instead of 3:3. Is there a setting to revert this? There have been literally hundreds of instances where I dive into the PHP to edit something, only to realise later that Mr. Bennett made an easy-to-use setting for it (such as changing the HTML DIR and LANG in the global.php file instead of editing the header.tpl.php directly).

Thanks in advance.

Is there a general threshold for where complex questions are better suited for buying a year of priority support rather than posting in the support forum here? I imagine that ideally everyone would buy a year or two of priority support; on the other hand, discussion here in the public forum makes it easier for people to find their answers using search engines.

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jjjjeczalik @ 10-10-2018 11:16:47

Excellent; thanks for this tip.

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jjjjeczalik @ 10-10-2018 00:44:20

Surely there is a simple way to echo this number.

This is no bug or error; rather I seem to be ignorant as to how to do it. I asked something similar about two years ago and you (David!) were kind enough to prove a valuable clue (the entire answer, really).

$this->BASKET_COUNT is a number which equals zero or whatever the current number of items is in the basket. My site contains a number of pages that are "outside" of the store; I want a person to still be able to see that they have a shopping cart with items in it (and this span would like to the actual basket page rather than cause the modal window to display, since the modal window isn't included in the page anyway).

I created a separate file (arbitrarily titled cartcount.php) and tried several different methods to make the "value" of it the BASKET_COUNT but none of them worked. And they all seems rather intensive (parsing the DOM of the store's front page, for example) for the sake of just retrieving what is ordinarily a single-digit number.

I've done similar things before (pulled small amounts of data like stock prices or commodity prices from sites that I don't even run and inserted the data into my own) so it bothers me that I'm running into so much trouble.

(Unrelated: I downloaded 2.5 and did a fresh installation a few weeks ago; all of the improvements are pretty swell.)

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jjjjeczalik @ 06-04-2017 22:56:57

maiandavid wrote:
There are lots of really cheap VPS servers around these days, which give you more control, are cheap, and are recommended. Lowendbox ( always has many offers.

An excellent resource that is; thanks!

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jjjjeczalik @ 18-03-2017 16:02:42

As I was creating the topic yesterday, I had forgotten my original impetus for it but finished the post anyway. Just now I remembered that my concern was actually that I had gotten to my 74th custom page and was getting tired of the list in the admin section getting paginated (this was very easily taken care of in the global.php file) and also I keep running into these know-it-alls on Stack Overflow whose answer to everything is "only fools use PHP, it's a useless, outdated language" so sometimes it's hard to find good answers to my questions ( tech support don't really know anything at all, it seems).

Right now, my SQL database limits are 1GB each (I have two installations of MM), but their actual sizes are only about 13MB each; I shall be keeping a close eye on everything on a daily basis so I plan to upgrade long before I reach even a tenth of my allowed space.

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jjjjeczalik @ 17-03-2017 17:18:29

I think I purchased a Maian Music license about six months ago; I'm very satisfied with both the product and the support so far. I've made a load of customisations to suit my purpose and I'm getting close to being finished with the site. Out of curiosity, is there an upper limit that I should expect to hit (e.g., no more than 999999 collections, no more than 32768 user accounts, etc.) that is inherent in this CMS? I'm switching from shared hosting to a dedicated server in anticipation of any performance issues (the site will have a lot of full-length tracks available for free in addition to the ones for sale). I don't reasonably expect to have tens of thousands of collections for sale, but it would be nice to know that if I get a million customers signing up, the only bottleneck would be my cheap hosting plan.

Thanks in advance.

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jjjjeczalik @ 27-01-2017 15:27:17

maiandavid wrote:
The reason it`s failing is because the $this->CHARGES['total']  variable isn`t numeric or a float, it also contains the currency symbol.

I had a feeling that that was it, as I had started fooling around with


but I travelled beyond my skill level. Thanks for your help!

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jjjjeczalik @ 24-01-2017 23:00:06

I am betraying my ignorance of PHP here; nevertheless...

While modifying Maianmusic over the past few months, I have often made certain things conditional upon other things, e.g.,

 if ($this->COLLECTION->catnumber<100) 

then do such-and-such (making certain products display sheet music or lyrics, etc.), or

 if (LOGGED_IN=='yes') 

then do so-and-so (making certain products display sheet music or lyrics, making certain products only visible when you're logged in, etc.).

Applying the same logic to

 if ($this->CHARGES['total']>0) 

fails every time. The value is always zero, even though the correct amount will always display if I

 echo $this->CHARGES['total'] 

What I am trying to do is this: IF the cart total is $0.00 then X but if the cart total is greater than $0.00 then Y. This isn't a MaianMusic bug, because the correct total still always displays in the basket, but rather, it's something obvious that I'm missing. (Every question that I post here ends up being something obvious that I'm missing. So I post here instead of in priority support because these are things that are not problems with the software, but questions that are being answered out of kindness.)

To clarify, everything that I'm doing in this instance is on the basket.tpl.php page.

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jjjjeczalik @ 19-01-2017 17:15:59

JumpinJack wrote:
Is there a way to add HTML code into the other pages ? Like adding pictures into the pages to explain things?

I highly recommend creating a single new (custom) page and experimenting with it.

When I first got this CMS (about a year ago, I think), I made changes sort of cautiously. Nowadays, I do it quite recklessly, since I can always just restore earlier versions of any file that I break. (Obviously, you should constantly back-up older versions of your work.)

JumpinJack wrote:
Also in a future will there be an option to add things like sample packs ? Or just a way to add zip files to be purchased ?

There is support for selling attachments zipped along with music sold. With a bit of customising (this is not specifically a guaranteed feature of Maian Music), it can be used to sell anything. There is (somewhere in the help files) a caution about making zip files too large. I have successfully tested selling single MP3s zipped with PDFs and single MP3s zipped with a 100 MB video file. (I haven't ventured to try anything larger than that.) The PHP in Maian Music is well organised and heavily commented, and so if you are trying to customise it to fit your needs, it can take a little while if you aren't very familiar with PHP but if you are, there is so much else you can do with it. (Of course, you have to be careful not to break any existing functionality.)

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jjjjeczalik @ 20-11-2016 16:39:22

maiandavid wrote:
If you want to change it, edit 'control/classes/', starting line 660.

I read that file from beginning to end (or so I thought). But yes, that was the key, and I now have it functioning exactly as I needed. Thank you !

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jjjjeczalik @ 19-11-2016 12:07:48

I will feel bad if this has an obvious answer, but I really did try to solve it myself for a couple of days.

For example: I have a few collections tagged "pop" (Madonna, Britney, Jon), a few collections tagged "dance" (Madonna, Taylor, Cathy), and a few collections tagged "rock" (Alex, David, Jon). If I search for "pop", then the results are Madonna, Britney, Jon; if I search for "rock", the results are Alex, David, and Jon; if I search for "pop rock", the results are "Madonna, Britney, Jon, Alex, David". I want it so that when searching for "pop rock", the results will only be "Jon"; that is to say, I want the results for "pop rock" to be "pop AND rock" instead of "pop AND/OR rock". (So that a search for "dance pop" would *only* yield "Madonna" as a result.)

I didn't find the place to make that change in search.php, or, or ajax.php, and of course I checked the functions, defined, and global.php files.

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jjjjeczalik @ 01-11-2016 00:05:09

maiandavid wrote:

$folder   = $LOADER['name'];

Flawless victory; thank you !

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jjjjeczalik @ 30-10-2016 13:40:55

I realise that this may be an odd request, but is there a way to change the ZIP file creation process so that (for example) if your collection is called "Best Music in the World", when a person buys it, the folder inside of the zip is called "Best Music in the World" as opposed to "BestMusicintheWorld"? This is probably ridiculously simple, but I can't figure it out.

Buying this software (Maian Music) was the best investment that I made this year, because I have tried to go above and beyond in customising it to fit my needs, which has resulted in me learning a lot about PHP, mySQL, etc. (Prior to this, I simply knew my way around HTML and CSS). The PHP is positively FILLED with helpful comment lines so that someone new to PHP can still find their way around and make edits without breaking the operation.

There is a comment in the FAQ about multiple languages not being supported, but it is worth pointing out that you can purchase one licence and install it twice on the same domain (it is allowed by the licence) and have (for example) and in operation.

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jjjjeczalik @ 15-08-2016 20:45:58

I've spent some time searching for it, and have been unable to locate the text "kBit/s" (used in the BITRATE column for every collection) in order to alter it. I've dug around the control folder with no luck, and in fact I did a complete text search of the entire package, to find it only in admin.php (which oddly, didn't change its occurrence in the admin area either). Where can I find this, in order to change it? (Every other time that I've search out a string of text that wasn't in the LANGUAGE folder, I was able to find it by just doing a text search of the entire MM package.)

[SUBSEQUENT EDIT] In retrospect, I didn't even begin to look where I should have (in the mySQL database); needless to say, problem solved.

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jjjjeczalik @ 11-07-2016 03:12:53

maiandavid wrote:
In a lot of cases people will use disposable emails, so it might not be that important?

Very true, but I'm including a "special offer" in the verification e-mail which also has a bit of an incentive for someone to do more than just get the freebies and run. Another way to ideally boost actual sales a bit.

maiandavid wrote:
Open 'control/classes/class.sales.php' and scroll to line 293. Comment out or remove the following code block... Hope that helps.

Definitely so. I did it back in late June but then I neglected to come back to the forum and thank you for your prompt assistance. Thank you!

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jjjjeczalik @ 18-06-2016 22:25:28

Hello all :

I notice that in the change log,

"Account is now auto activated after a sale, instead of only via the verification email"

Does anyone (including Mr. Bennett, of course) know how to revert this small change? (Meaning that, I want it so that an account must be verified *before* they can place an order. The reason for that is so when a track is "sold" for $0.00, a *real* e-mail would still have to be submitted before being able to proceed to the downloads page.)

(I didn't post this in Priority Support because it's more of a curiosity than a priority.)

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jjjjeczalik @ 09-01-2016 15:02:27

maiandavid wrote:
In your settings, do you have a slash at the end of the 'Server Path to Secure Folder' path?? If so, remove it and try again.

I removed it but it still didn't work. After more trial and error (removing spaces from the filenames, etc.), it occurred to me that I had used ../../ to move up directories instead of using the actual path (the /abc123/abc123/xyz which you wisely edited from my initial post); I changed the audio folder to THAT and the downloading works perfectly. So my concern about the filenames wasn't it; it was my ignorance about formatting the directory paths.

maiandavid wrote:
This won`t be anything to do with MP3s, possibly the gateway hasn`t responded. If it worked ok the first time, it`s definitely the gateway as nothing changes between payment attempts. if it`s the Paypal sandbox, it can be temperemental, so try again.

There have been numerous times that I've made Paypal purchases from other companies and that gateway doesn't return the information to the site. In fact, one site even has on its error page a note about Paypal occasional failure and advises the customer to see if the Paypal transaction completed, and if so, to simply contact them and they'll manually process the order. I'll add a note like that on the error page, and I noticed that you already have a system in place for manually entering sales.

maiandavid wrote:
And also, is there anything in the error log?

The error log is clean now; I'm 100% sure that that was a PayPal problem.

Other than the fixes that you made to the header and the footer, everything was a user error on my part; thanks for your quick responses and helping me to get this up and running!

[FINAL EDIT] Again, this was a user error. The entire site was password-protected this morning. Paypal could not send the required response to Maian because Maian was password-protected. I removed the password-protection from the site and Paypal functioned perfectly. When I had successfully used Paypal yesterday, the site wasn't password-protected at the time. Everything is perfect at this time and I'll start a new thread if I find a new problem as I go along.

[SEVERAL MINUTES LATER] I've tried another Paypal order, and it refreshed the "checking order" page 15 times and then went on to say "The payment gateway has not sent a response and the system has timed out." The Paypal transaction went through though, so Maian is definitely sending the information that it needs to send, and it seems that Paypal is not sending what it needs to send back. I'll continue the other setting up on Maian that I need to do and just try another one tonight.

There is no error log; the paypal log ends like this:

MAIAN MUSIC LOG @ 9 January 2016 09:43:25
Database ID: 3
Action/Info: Sending post data to "Paypal" gateway @

    [rm] => 2
    [cmd] => _xclick
    [business] => [REDACTED]@[REDACTED].net
    [item_name] => Music Purchase Payment
    [quantity] => 1
    [notify_url] => http://[REDACTED URL]/callback/paypal.php
    [cancel_return] => http://[REDACTED URL]/?p=cancel
    [return] => http://[REDACTED URL]/index.php?gw=3-756c7a39e052c5fc5e9c503616a5cc56bffe0e34
    [amount] => 2.94
    [currency_code] => USD
    [no_shipping] => 1
    [custom] => 756c7a39e052c5fc5e9c503616a5cc56bffe0e34-3-mswmusic

Waiting for gateway response.. .

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

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