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Brian1960 @ 25-07-2016 22:59:25

Done the paypal Parameters..Thanks.
Just a thought could you explain what goes in the Locale part of the paypal parameters in your help file . for numptys like me.

lost me with the https bit and htaccess.

  but it just worked with paypal,  i physically bought a track and downloaded it so i presume i didn't need the SSL

Is there an upgrade price for this version or is it a completely new  system that i have to re-purchase.

Thanks for all your help so far


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Brian1960 @ 25-07-2016 21:53:02

Hi David thanks for that  the email is definitely accepted by  paypal

Is this email set in the paypal gateway parameters part of your program. where it says Locale, Pagesyle, email.
If it is. This will not update it just hangs.

Nice site though much improved on the old one,

Can you also tell me why this happens if you click the link to the https below. its fine with http

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Brian1960 @ 23-07-2016 23:58:48

Hi I am getting an error from PayPal stating my seller account email  is wrong so payment cannot be processed, 
The email address in the store is correct?
Does it take the email from the parameter section in payment gateway.  If so mine won't update it just hangs. 
Hope you can help it's driving me nuts.

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