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TipTop @ 12-12-2022 11:06:16

When Do U Plan to Release the NEXT Version? 

I Just Added a NEW Ecard Image, and RE DID My Random Banners.  And I Prefer to NOT Use My Ecard Outreach Until Notifications is FIXED.  smile

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TipTop @ 05-12-2022 17:16:00

That's Correct.  smile

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TipTop @ 05-12-2022 08:08:38

I Emailed that to U Last Night.  Is One of Your Domain Names?  smile

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TipTop @ 03-12-2022 08:24:43

Since the Received An Ecard Emails are going through, the SMTP is Fine.  There has to be Another Issue that causes the Ecard Viewed Emails to Not be sent.
I need to sleep.   smile

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TipTop @ 02-12-2022 08:56:57


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TipTop @ 02-12-2022 08:17:49

The Form messages Weren't reaching you.  And the last 2 times that I Emailed, those Emails were flagged on my end as "Spam".  I'll Email you from a Different account.  smile

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TipTop @ 30-11-2022 05:30:07

Please briefly look in my admin panel. to make sure that I have  my info correct.  Thanks!  smile

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TipTop @ 29-11-2022 05:32:30

As I wrote here last week...

M Y is the PHP Date Format.  smile

Also, I've Never had the Date show up in admin as 1969 until the recent upgrade.

And I Still Need notifications when Ecards have been viewed to send out lie they used to.  smile

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TipTop @ 22-11-2022 08:56:21

j M Y is the PHP Date Format.  smile

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TipTop @ 17-11-2022 14:15:37

I have thr time @ America Central Chicago..

Even More Important, I'd like Picked Up Email Notifications to be Sent like in the past!  smile

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TipTop @ 16-11-2022 06:16:59

I thought that I Replied to your last reply.  However, I Don't see that.  My Sent Ecards list Doesn't show any tests from you tonight.

I Tested again, and NO notification Email when I Opened my Test Ecard.

In Admin, the Viewed Ecards All show Viewed 31 Dec 1969 @ 13:00PM.  Why does it say that?!  LOL  smile

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TipTop @ 14-11-2022 08:54:06

I looked through that file, and I Don't seem to see it.  Please look as well, since U are more of an expert at that than me. Thanks!  smile

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TipTop @ 14-11-2022 03:03:18

I still have No clue what to look for in the mail debug log.  Database backup Emails are reaching me Everyday.  But still No Ecard Viewed Emails.  smile

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TipTop @ 08-11-2022 17:11:01

I Looked at the (mail-debug-log.log) file.  Currently I Don't have a clue what to look for.  smile

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TipTop @ 08-11-2022 04:09:41

The Usage Emails Reach me.  The Viewed Emails seem to be the Only Issue.  I might Finally be Back on my computer this week.  smile

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TipTop @ 06-11-2022 06:49:48

A friend pf mine said that they viewed an Ecard tonight, and the admin cP confirms that.  However, I Don't see a Viewed Email.  :)

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TipTop @ 02-10-2022 17:19:01

Your Form Had an Issue  for Quit Awhile.  Now Running Properly!  smile

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TipTop @ 30-09-2022 15:27:28

A System Error Keeps Occurring when I fill out your contact form.  smile

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TipTop @ 30-09-2022 14:15:57

I Filled Out Ur Contact Form Ealier this Week.  smile

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TipTop @ 28-09-2022 01:02:43

I'm Not used to All of these steps when Upgrading software.  I think that I'm Close.  Could I P Pal you a bit to Finish these steps?  smile

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TipTop @ 27-09-2022 05:53:04

I Looked at some of the New Files, and Didn't see:

echo $this->CAPTCHA;

I have No Clue where to add them in those 3 theme files.

(Update the Following) would make more sense if it says (Customize the Following) for $msw_send_ops4 and $msw_send_ops5.

As you know, the Whole file control/system/modules/ecard-ops/custom.php is Commented.  I'm Not yet getting how to Edit that page to Allow Multiple Recipients?  smile

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TipTop @ 23-09-2022 04:19:50

3 Open the following files:


Add in the captcha option (refer to new files)

echo $this->CAPTCHA;

Please Explain (refer to new files).  Thanks!

4 Update the following files for multiple recipient & poems (where applicable). Refer to the latest version files:

content/*theme*/ecard-compose.tpl.php (Multiple Recipients, Poems)
content/*theme*/ecard-preview.tpl.php (Poems)
content/*theme*/ecard-view.tpl.php (Poems)

Please Explain Update the following files for multiple recipient & poems (where applicable). Refer to the latest version files:

Language (Update for all language folders)
1 Open the 'content/language/english/ecard.php' language file and update the following:


I Found $msw_send_ops4, and $msw_send_ops5.  They Both have English text after them.  How do I Update them?

2 Update the following email template file:


I Changed the word Music to the word Audio.  What else should I Update in that file?

1 If you have added custom ops, you should update this for multiple recipients:


How can I find if I have Added Custom OPS?  smile

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TipTop @ 21-09-2022 17:08:47

I Should be Subscribed to the Newsletter.  smile

I Copied (ecard-emoji.htm) from Default to Custom, and now I see my Custom Emojis in  1 Vertical line.  smile

How do I know if the Custom Theme is Up To Date?  And How do I know what New Files to Copy Over?  As far as I can guess, once I Copy the New Files from Default to Custom, it should be Up to Date.  smile

I Copied (ecard-poem.tpl.php) to the Custom Directory, Cleared the Cache, and Poems Still Aren't showing.  smile

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TipTop @ 20-09-2022 08:32:23

Hi There,

I just found out about version 3.2.  I Didn't receive an Email about that for some reason.

My 3.2 Upgrade went Mainly Well, except for the Results.  I Removed (content/ecard-files/ - content/emojis/ - licence.lic) from the Zip, just like you wrote.

When I Click On the Add Emojis link, it shows (/home/tte/public_html/content/_theme_custom/html/ecards/ecard-emoji.htm is missing).  I Uploaded a BackUp on a Different URL, and the BackUp Also Doesn't have (/home/tte/public_html/content/_theme_custom/html/ecards/ecard-emoji.htm).  However, I Never had that Error before.

Max Ecard Recipients: 3, and Enable WYSIWYG Edit for Visitors: Yes Aren't changing anything.  Even After I Clear my Cache.

Also, when I click Preview Ecard, the Animation PopUp Keeps Spinning Around.  smile

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TipTop @ 23-05-2020 18:27:37

All with my Ecard site should be configured properly.  smile

I'll Email you the URL.  smile

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