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musashi79uk @ 02-04-2018 09:34:22

My offer shows as being completed but I've not received an email with details on how to claim the full licence?

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musashi79uk @ 23-03-2018 14:59:29

I've done it. Anyone wanting to incorporate the change, open content/theme_default/html/journal.htm

Replace lines 5-7 which are
          <div class="panel-body">
           <div class="panel-body">
            <div  style="    overflow: hidden !important;
    max-height: 554px;">{information}</div>
        <p class="text-right">
            <a href="{url}" title="{url_text}">Read More...</a></p>

The max-height can be changed to whatever you wish.

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musashi79uk @ 23-03-2018 12:33:32

I've managed to change the main title to a logo on my website. However, there is a small grey border around the logo that I can't seem to get rid of. I've tried editing the .toppagebar settings in the msw.css but I can't seem to change it. I've changed the line <div class="toppagebar hidden-sm hidden-md hidden-lg push"> to <div class="toppagebar"> in the header.tpl.php file. That removes the border but it affects the layout. Is there any other changes I need to be making>
Also, is there a way to change the greeny blue navigation bar on mobile devices? I've changed it on the desktop version but again, can't seem to find the correct settings to change it in mobile devices. I'd like to change it to black or dark grey.
Here is what its showing:-

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musashi79uk @ 22-03-2018 19:51:22

I've spent a good 2 hours looking into but I've given up. It would help if I could find the panel-body command it references so I could duplicate it to include the truncate CSS but I can't. I don't even know how to mess about with javascript. All javascripts demonstrate how to truncate text as it appears but the html file pulls the text with the {information}  command and I don't know where to start with it.
Is it possible to include a new field to upload to the SQL database that you can enter shorter text when adding or managing a journal?

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musashi79uk @ 22-03-2018 18:45:43

Sorted. It took a while but I got there. It won't use the template after it has uploaded a file though but I can live with that for now.

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musashi79uk @ 21-03-2018 20:02:49

How can add an extra admin page?
I have a working php script in a file called upload.php that is in the admin directory. It's nothing special, just a basic script to upload an image to the website that can be called for creating an image link when you create a journal or page etc. The script file is in the admin folder but I've got it to upload the images to an image folder that's not in the admin folder so that's working fine.
I'm trying to put that script into a page that blends in with the admin area and has a link on the left hand menu underneath the Add Journal link or something.
A friend who will be uploading journals will want to use images in them but he wouldn't have a clue about using FTP software and I wouldn't feel comfortable giving him FTP access. His wife won't even give him the remote at home. So an Image Upload page is the safest way to go for me.



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musashi79uk @ 21-03-2018 18:38:48

Is there a way to reduce the text from journals that are displayed?
I'm trying to get them to display with about 80 words with a "Read More..." link at the end that they can click or they can click on the title to view the full article. I've managed to add the Read More... link at the end of the blog\content\_theme_default\journal.htm file by changing

<div class="panel-body">


<div class="panel-body">
            <a href="{url}" title="{url_text}">Read More...</a>

Some of our articles are 1600-2500 words so to have them displayed in full while people are flicking through the website is going to be a pain for them.
It would be great to truncate them on the main page and on the categories pages but to only have them in full if a reader wants to.



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