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casjubert @ 16-09-2021 20:46:34

How do I know?
If that's NOT you, I'd get onto, whoever stole your name because consider this:

1. I don't know Maian to start with.
2. In my search, if I come across Maia Stripe which is advertised as a Cart,
3. I don't look for any OTHER Maian.
4. Hence, you may miss out on business!

This is far too confusing But, I didn't create that confusion. I just found something and take it as it is. I don't assume.

Just a hint.

Even the H.E.L.P. sections look VERY the same to me.
Puts me off a little, must say, even though you may not like it. But making a potential customer sound stupid because YOU confuse them (and yourself - you couldn't even remember this version for whatever reasons), this is not a business relationship I'd consider as 'Health".
But I understand, in the clouds, different rules rule.

Anyway, I accept defeat - You win!

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casjubert @ 16-09-2021 12:45:24

then I don't know, you tell me.
I believed I had the maian script installed. Must have been drunk when I downloaded and installed it about 2 months ago. Wait a minute, I don't drink. And I don't use drugs neither, damn it. Must be my age then. smile

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casjubert @ 16-09-2021 07:34:08

Hi David
thanks for clarifying.
Not sure how this happened but I downloaded it just over  2 months ago, only. I remember I looked something up with regards to the Stripe Gateway Integration for Opencart. Then I saw this little Beauty and thought, Perfect.

I had a look at the link and the newest version 3.8 but to be honest, ...for me with my 4 products and soon a staggering 2 more, your 1.3 version is just perfect. It's simple and that is what I liked.

Have a look at what I'd done.
I guess, changing to the 3.8 version would be far too messy for me to achieve the same "simple look", again. Though, I can think of the 3.8 version being much more stable and secure with loads of improvements.


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casjubert @ 15-09-2021 18:56:59

I found it

Figured out that these pages (even existing, like the About page) use the ' new-page.tpl.php' .
I opened it and deleted the right column (code below)

Silly question but since I am on version 1.3, shall I guess that the paid version 3+? has that option in admin, where I can actually choose to have a full page or a 2-column page?

Please correct me, thanks.

      <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-4">
        include(dirname(__file__) . '/right-panel.tpl.php');
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casjubert @ 15-09-2021 18:11:01

Hello again

I'm trying to edit my default "About" page and use the code area to write my HTML/CSS into.
When I click "Update" it looks fine but when I open the actual page in the browser, it' all changed. Even the code I wrote into, it's all changed.

Any idea what I need to do, because in admin editing it looks all good, on the server it's everything over written ! ? !

I have attached some screenshots that show the differences.
On the ma-admin-2 image I have added a background colour so you can see the col html works fine. Why it is all overwritten on the server, this puzzles me (see the code change in the ma-server attached image.

Thank you

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casjubert @ 15-09-2021 16:19:42

Hello everyone.

I'm a new kid on the block and was just scanning the forum for some answers, but now I have eve more questions, Lol.

Not sure if I'm asking at the right place here but if not, don't just delete me for making a mistake, please, it's just that I try to get used to the forum. Thank you.

Well, I run a free maian cart script and my version check says I run the latest version, which is 1.3. Somewhere in this forum (before I registered) I read that someone is running on version 3! Is there a difference between commercial and free version because 1.3 to 3, that seems rather a huge difference to me.

If it is, where can I find out what I'm actually missing by running such an older version as a free version?

Thank you.

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