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Crontab for running currency-updater.phpPosts in the Maian Cart forum by magiccardpops
21-10-2011 18:28:51

David  -

The currency-updater works great from the admin, and if run via a web browser, but when I set it up to run as a crontab I get the following:

/home/theturk/public_html/magiccardpops/store/currency-updater.php: line 1: ?php: No such file or directory
/home/theturk/public_html/magiccardpops/store/currency-updater.php: line 2: //: is a directory
/home/theturk/public_html/magiccardpops/store/currency-updater.php: line 3: //: is a directory
/home/theturk/public_html/magiccardpops/store/currency-updater.php: line 4: syntax error near unexpected token `('
/home/theturk/public_html/magiccardpops/store/currency-updater.php: line 4: `//   Written & Developed by David Ian Bennett (Maian Script World)'

Does it run successfully as a crontab for you ?  If so, I may be doing something wrong in my crontab setup.  If this is the case I will not waste your time and will figure it out with my hosting service.

- Thanks

22-10-2011 02:33:09

David -

Please disregard.  I have it working now.  Sorry for the post.  This is such a great application.  Thanks

28-11-2011 12:46:01

Can some confirm the currency update works in 2.0.3? It used to work for me running cron but I don't see a change now. I also tried to update it manually in the admin area to no available.

29-11-2011 02:46:37

I have noted one of the price now like I should have done in the first place. I will wait another day and see.

30-11-2011 03:55:30

duceduc  -

I have not been able to get the crontab to run ever since I loaded the license.  However, the license is much more of value to me than the currency updater running as a crontab.  Also, I can run the currency updater from admin and it works just fine.  I am running v2.03 .

- magiccardpops

30-11-2011 10:08:13

I've checked again. It is still not updating for me manually or with the cron. Strange.

01-12-2011 11:07:23

I don't see anything in the error logs.

To manually update the currency rates, I would just need to type this url in the broswer?

This is also how the admin area currency rate is updated as well?

Ah. I think I have found the issue. When I manually typed that link in, I get a permission denied prompt. How can I fix this?

01-12-2011 13:58:55

Just for clarification - when you mean you manually ran it from the admin area did you click on the "Update Currency Conversions" button and it still did not update?

01-12-2011 18:02:39

Yes, I click on the currency button in the admin area. . It doesn't update.

The error I get says "permission denied". That is all it says.

01-12-2011 20:58:14

just to add to this, my site which uses v2.03 seems to work fine. euro was 1.17, i hit "upadte currency conversion" and the rate changed to 1.16. Like i said before, this is a straight full zip upload done about 4 days ago.

16-01-2012 00:16:15

duceduc wrote:

And is this supposed to be working in 2.0.4, or is it on the list for 2.0.5 ?

I'm also getting the 'permission denied' page when I use that url.

Is there documentation on using this, btw ?

thanks, paul

17-01-2012 16:54:14

I am confused as to the problem and the solution in this post.

According to the documentation under Currency Converter:

Maian Cart has a built in currency conversion system. This enables visitors to view prices in their own currencies as well as the default system currency. To access this option in the admin area select 'System>Currency Converter'. Currencies are obtained from the European Central Bank via its daily xml feed.

Only currencies shown in the admin area are supported by this option. Use the checkboxes provided to enable/disable currencies. If you don`t specify any currencies, the currency conversion drop down on your storefront will not appear.

Note that clicking the update button in the admin area also updates the currency rates. To manually update you would need to click this button from time to time or have the system auto update via a cron job/tab.

I can successfully run the "currency conversion system" from the admin area (System>Currency Converter) via the "UPDATE CURRENCIES & RATES" button on the bottom of the page.

However, according to the documentation under Auto Update via Cron Job/Tab:

The easiest way to make sure your currencies are up to date with the latest rates is to have the system automatically update them. This is done by using a Cron Tab or Cron Job. This is an automated task performed by your server via the time specified. For the currency conversion a daily update would be recommended.

And this example is given:

/usr/local/bin/php /home/admin/domains/
php q /home/admin/domains/
/usr/local/bin/php q /home/admin/domains/
cmd /k C:\Windows\php\php.exe "C:\website\currency-updater.php" (Windows)

The file referred to in this example is "currency-updater.php".

This is what I am unsuccessful in running.

I have not been able to run the crontab successfully since the installation of my site license (graciously given by David).

I have tried the different suggestions, "cron.php", etc.

I am currently running v2.04 via the integral update process.  My confusion then is this:

I can run the conversion update successfully via the admin area.  But I cannot make the crontab run successfully.
Is the fix in V2.05 for the crontab or did the conversion via admin area get inadvertently broken after the v2.04 upgrade release.

And, could you explain the uses of "currency-converter.php" vice "currency-updater.php" vice "currencyConverter.php"?

Hope this makes sense.

Thanks David,

-  magiccardpops

18-01-2012 04:01:27

"currency-updater.php" runs fine from my browser.
When running as a crontab it produces the following:

ionCube ERROR (11)
The following encoding error has occured while running this software:
The "licence.lic" file within this installation cannot run on this server.
Licence file is encoded for a different domain.  For help and support you should first see if a solution is in the software documentation.
Alternatively, try the support forums at Maian Script World.
For ionCube & ionCube loader help, try the ionCube forums.

18-01-2012 15:26:49

Voila! -  Made changes as you mentioned and it now works.
I had done that before to no avail but evidently I must have done something incorrectly.
Thank you very much David.

- magiccardpops

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