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How to upgrade from 2.05 to 2.1 - A user guidePosts in the Maian Cart forum by DAustin
04-09-2013 14:19:00


I've had several issues occur in recent weeks that are probably due to an error in upgrading in the following way, as such you are highly recommended to do a fresh install instead!   I'll leave this guide in place for people wanting to MOVE THEIR THEME ONLY!  YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

I'm posting this because I had some issues upgrading from 2.05 to 2.1.  I share my findings with other users to simplify the process for those not as tech savvy.

Warning:  This guide is not endorsed by MaianScriptWorld or David Ian Bennett, unless otherwise stated by himself.  I provide it as is, and myself (Dan Austin) or David Ian Bennett are not responsible for any errors resulting from following this guide.  BACKUP YOUR DATABASE AND STORE FOLDER AND YOU CAN ALWAYS GO BACK TO 2.05 IN CASE OF A FATAL ERROR.

The following is a step by step guide.  Please take note of step 3 & 4 in particular.

Step 1 - Create a backup of your store's database!  Do this either with the inbuilt function in the tools section of the maiancart admin section or via the export option in PHPMyAdmin.  Do a full backup if you use the latter.

Step 2 - Rename the store folder (i.e. /cart) to an alternate name (i.e. /cart.old).  We can revert back to our old cart by renaming this folder back to its original name if needs be.

Step 3 - Follow the instructions up to and including step 5 in the maiancart documentation, do not perform step 6!  Upload version 2.1 to your site in the correct folder (i.e /cart)


Step 5 - From your "/cart.old" folder download the "/templates" folder to your computer.

Step 6 - Using an advanced text editor such as Notepad++ (or TextWrangler if you're on a a Mac), Run a "Multi-File Search & Replace" on the templates folder.  Replace "templates/" with "content/_your_theme/" (without quotes).  "_your_theme" can be named anything but must start with the underscore! ( "_" character)

Step 7 - Upload "_your_theme" folder to "cart/content"  [EDIT] DON'T UPLOAD THE FOLDER NAMED 'js'.  These are the javascript functions that perform the animations etc on the menus.  Mine broke but only just found out today what went wrong, whoops!  If you have custom scripts you want to use again, upload those individually to the new 'js' folder but remember that they might not work with the new 2.1 system.  If you're animations are no longer working (zoom images, menu sliders etc - overwrite your theme's 'js' folder with the one supplied in the 2.1 system to recover them.

Step 8 - Upload "template/products" to "content/products"

Step 9 - Place your "stylesheet.css" file where you have specified it in your "content/_your_theme/header.tpl.php" file.

[EDIT] Step 10 - If you have modified your language files, you can re-upload them to the "content/language/english" folder.  You can replace all the files EXCEPT for the "global.php".  If you have accidentally overwritten it with your old global.php file, you can recover it by uploading the file bundled in v2.1

That's it, the whole system should be updated without the need to re-upload products or product photos. You can continue following the installation guide from step 7 onwards.

All of my issues were down to relative linking in my design of 2.05, caused by the change of file directory structure in 2.1.  If this guide hasn't solved all of your issues, I am 99% sure that this is the cause of the issue for yourself.

I can offer limited assistance if you're stuck, post a reply and I'll try to lend a hand where I can.  I'll also format this post to make it more readable later on today.

06-09-2013 13:57:15

No worries David, it helps me in the future because I can come back here to see what I did!  I can see why you've changed the file structure, as it stops duplicating images etc, for different themes.  Pretty nifty, plus looking forward to implementing category specific themes, if and when I get given the chance!

One minor issue with the guide I've just edited in step 7.  Now back to the joys of trying to get 3 tables to join correctly so I can quickly categorize 5,000 products into their 70 categories sad

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