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Colors of the select a package boxPosts in the Maian Lockbox forum by tandarts
20-08-2015 01:05:04

Still using this wonderuull script.

I'm trying to add my own colors to the signup form.
The background was no problem at all.. fixed that within the stylesheet and index page.

Next I wanted to change the area where my customers can select a package.
The basic color of the border en the hoover is blue.

I want the border to be a different color.  (purple or aqua)

I have search the stylesheet but I can not find it.   It really does not match my current website at this moment...

Can you please help me to tell me where I can find it in the stylesheet ?

20-08-2015 22:49:40


I have opened the css file that is located in the root folder of lockbox.
Then I selected the color of the item I wanted to change and tried to find it through search..
The color does not apear in the css stylesheet.

I also tried to find it through the webdeveloper tool in chrome to locate it in the stylesheet or somewhere else..

I included a sreenshot for you.. hope that make sense..

The purple one is the closed version.. when I try to select an package (I only have one).. it gives a blue color..
When you take a closer look to the image below you also see some purple borders.. but the inside colors remain blue.  I want them to be aqua or purple (if possible.. so it will match my layout)..

Thanks for your help.

21-08-2015 18:46:39


Thanks for the quick reply.

I added the suggested css to the stylesheet in my main root folder of lockbox but there is no change.
Tried to add some extra css to it.. but that also did not help.

Do you have any idea how to change it from the init browser design to my own custom one ?


23-08-2015 02:43:36

I think about the only way to style the "hovered" selection in a drop down that would work for all browsers is by using some kind of javascript.

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