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Show Off Your HelpDesk!Posts in the Maian Support forum by BurkeKnight
07-02-2016 15:05:51

This thread is for people to post screenshots of their Maian Support helpdesk.
Please be sure to follow normal forum rules, and that your helpdesk is not for a site that may go against Terms of Service, and does not contain anything offensive.

This thread is so that we users of Maian Support, can show others how we have worked design, as well as other tweaks that make our helpdesks ours.

To start, this one is for my web host support.

First image, is the main page when people come to the site.
I do not use the FAQ, as I have a Knowledge base in my community forum, so I replaced it on main page, with a login form.

I have also themed out the admin section, so they both now match the main web host site better.

Hope all like how it looks. smile

07-02-2016 16:20:44

Thank you.
I dabble a bit in css and php. wink
I used to code a lot for SMF forums (mods and themes) and now do for ElkArte forums.
Been doing forums since 2007, and some design work, too.
It is a pain, especially when trying to keep responsive, I can tell you that! LOL

26-08-2019 12:44:50

BurkeKnight wrote:
This thread is for people to post screenshots of their Maian Support helpdesk.
Please be sure to follow normal forum rules, and that your helpdesk is not for a site that may go against Terms of Service, and does not contain anything offensive.

This thread is so that we users of Maian Support, can show others how we have worked design, as well as other tweaks that make our helpdesks ours.

To start, this one is for my web host support.

First image, is the main page when people come to the site.
I do not use the FAQ, as I have a Knowledge base in my community forum, so I replaced it on main page, with a login form.

I have also themed out the admin section, so they both now match the main web host site better.

Hope all like how it looks. smile

All links within this pinned topic no longer work. I am gathering the sites no longer exist or something.

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