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Maximum number of collections, accounts, etc.?Posts in the Maian Music forum by jjjjeczalik
17-03-2017 17:18:29

I think I purchased a Maian Music license about six months ago; I'm very satisfied with both the product and the support so far. I've made a load of customisations to suit my purpose and I'm getting close to being finished with the site. Out of curiosity, is there an upper limit that I should expect to hit (e.g., no more than 999999 collections, no more than 32768 user accounts, etc.) that is inherent in this CMS? I'm switching from shared hosting to a dedicated server in anticipation of any performance issues (the site will have a lot of full-length tracks available for free in addition to the ones for sale). I don't reasonably expect to have tens of thousands of collections for sale, but it would be nice to know that if I get a million customers signing up, the only bottleneck would be my cheap hosting plan.

Thanks in advance.

18-03-2017 16:02:42

As I was creating the topic yesterday, I had forgotten my original impetus for it but finished the post anyway. Just now I remembered that my concern was actually that I had gotten to my 74th custom page and was getting tired of the list in the admin section getting paginated (this was very easily taken care of in the global.php file) and also I keep running into these know-it-alls on Stack Overflow whose answer to everything is "only fools use PHP, it's a useless, outdated language" so sometimes it's hard to find good answers to my questions ( tech support don't really know anything at all, it seems).

Right now, my SQL database limits are 1GB each (I have two installations of MM), but their actual sizes are only about 13MB each; I shall be keeping a close eye on everything on a daily basis so I plan to upgrade long before I reach even a tenth of my allowed space.

06-04-2017 22:56:57

maiandavid wrote:
There are lots of really cheap VPS servers around these days, which give you more control, are cheap, and are recommended. Lowendbox ( always has many offers.

An excellent resource that is; thanks!

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