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Adding to basket doesn't workPosts in the Maian Music forum by jchip
30-07-2017 22:46:42

I installed free version and wanted to test all features before purchase. I have a problem with adding a collection or a track to the basket. When I click on Add Selected Tracks to basket (after selecting them of course)  nothing happens. There is only animated circle icon on the 'Add Selected Tracks to basket' button showing up and animates endless but nothing happens. The same is when I click on MP3 (buy all) button. Nothing happens, nothing shows up in the basket. Any ideas what is the reason?

31-07-2017 08:13:37

Unfortunately there are no any errors in the errors.log file. Could you please write more, what do you mean by server issue? Should I ask my hosting company for switching something, etc?

02-08-2017 10:17:33

I checked my web logs and it looks like it returns server code 500 (internal server error) though it can be noticed only in the web logs. Is it any clue what should I check then?

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