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Month LanguagePosts in the Maian Events forum by TipTop
17-10-2018 16:36:48

Hi David,

I Changed Jan, Feb, Etc., Everywhere that I Could to Month 01, Month 02, Etc., but in the Individual Events Start & End Page, and the Latest Events Area, it Still Shows Jan, Feb, Etc.  How Can I Change That?  smile

18-10-2018 14:51:15

Otay, That Shall Be Great!  Currently it Doesn't Flow with my Month 01, Etc.  in Other Areas.  LOL  smile

18-10-2018 15:44:49


25-10-2018 22:57:02

How Soon is Soon for that Update?  smile

27-10-2018 14:34:58

Otay  :--)

18-11-2018 16:34:58

How's that Coming Along?  smile

16-12-2018 21:51:11

[Error Code: 8] Undefined property: stdClass::$locale
[Date/Time: 16 December 2018 @ 15:02PM]
[Error on line 39 in file /home4/cf/public_html/calendar/control/classes/system/class.datetime.php]

16-12-2018 21:59:35

Also, next to Each event, it still shows the (16 Dec 2018) Format.  I Edited (globals.php).  It should say (12 MONTH 12 2018).  smile

16-12-2018 22:04:01

I'm still looking forward to the Repeat Event Feature?!  That's going to Help a Lot!  smile

17-12-2018 20:38:00

maiandavid wrote:
TipTop wrote:
[Error Code: 8] Undefined property: stdClass::$locale
[Date/Time: 16 December 2018 @ 15:02PM]
[Error on line 39 in file /home4/cf/public_html/calendar/control/classes/system/class.datetime.php]

Did you run the patch file to update the database?

Running (patch.php) with upgrades is new to me, but that's done!  smile

17-12-2018 20:42:45

maiandavid wrote:
TipTop wrote:
Also, next to Each event, it still shows the (16 Dec 2018) Format.  I Edited (globals.php).  It should say (12 MONTH 12 2018).  smile

Of course it will be related to the previous message. If the locale isn`t installed, makes sense it isn`t going to work. lol.

How do I Install the (locale)?  I easily found (patch.php), but I Don't know where the (locale) file is.  smile

19-12-2018 03:58:04

I read the docs in the Admin area.  I'm still Not sure where to Add the Locale Value?  smile

19-12-2018 04:55:31

Date Locale (Blank = default)

Is that what I should Change? smile

19-12-2018 06:04:17


19-12-2018 06:17:33

Just about there!  What should I Change (Default) to?  smile

20-12-2018 02:20:51

My Last Post Isn't Currently Showing.

What should I Change the (Default) Locale to for Seeing (18 Dec 2018) Change to (18 MONTH 12 2018)? smile

Now I See My Last Post Again.  smile

20-12-2018 03:53:40

I looked over, and still had no clue what to add to the Locale box.  I tested 3 codes, and now the 3rd one that I tested caused the events software to show as a blank page.  Looks like I get to start that whole process again.

How about simply give me the code here.  Much thanks.  Tomorrow I expect to have computer time to undo the mistake,  and I'd prefer to know the proper code.  Thanks!  smile

20-12-2018 04:30:40

I saw the part about (fr_FR).  So if this is English, should it be (en_EN)?  :--)

20-12-2018 04:53:56

So Changing the Locale box is for Changing the Language.  I Don't want to change the language.  I only want to change (18 Dec 2018) to (18 MONTH 12 2018).  :--)

20-12-2018 15:17:15

In (phpMyAdmin), I Changed the Locale box to be Blank again.  So the events software loads again.  Once again, I Don't want to change the language.  It has to be English.  All I want is (18 Dec 2018) to Show Up as (20 MONTH 12 2018).  :--)

20-12-2018 17:26:55

I Changed (PHP Date Format) from (j M Y) to (m/d-Y).  Event Starts: 11/03-2018 is Great!  So, I Didn't need to Edit the (Locale) box.  smile

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