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messages.php not workingPosts in the Maian Responder forum by gcut76
17-10-2019 20:43:29

I just installed the script and everything seems fine, the crons are set and work properly, except for the follow up mailing. My server timezone and the sofware are the same (gmt+2) but it seems that the script is about 2h earlier. Do I need to set up something in the messages.php file?

Thanks a lot

18-10-2019 17:36:12

Yep! Gmt+2 timezone on my vps and even on the script settings.

If I use GMT it works properly, but is not my timezone

21-10-2019 05:03:06

Actually I'm making the tests just running the php files.

I made a test even with the crons, and the other functions work fine (broadcasts and bouncers).
If the crons are running on different timezone wouldn't also fail the other two files?

22-10-2019 16:44:33


mysql timezone is the same as my system timezone (gmt+2)

I already set different values (including the blank one) with that line: not a difference at all.

sad sad sad

I live in Paris (now is actually GMT+2) but in the settings I have set Paris GMT+1

The only way I get this working is setting GMT -1 - pretty odd indeed

23-10-2019 18:39:36

Pretty strange indeed. Here's some pics:

Everything seems fine, exept for the follow up

24-10-2019 21:04:03

Hi guys, I got the same problem here. I have installed Maian Responder on my hosting service, the time displays correctly but the follow up feature is not working properly: I set an email to be sent immediately and one to be sent after 1 day, but the email is sent after 22 hours. Not a biggie, but still.

This is a great script anyways! I love it!!!

31-10-2019 06:32:39

Hi David,

I've been making some tests on the offset settings in the connect.php file, and I see that the delay values like -01:00, -02:00 are working fine, but the advance values (like mine - that now is +01:00) doesn't

Maybe that's the issue?

01-11-2019 09:55:08

I'm trying the software on three different hosting services, and the same issue comes. I think I will give up.
I will check if it will work for me in the future with some updates.

Thanks a lot for your time David!

01-11-2019 09:58:43

I really don't know what to check, is it possible that + values don't work? What could be the issue?

01-11-2019 17:14:22

Thank you for your help!

Here's what happens:

-- first stdClass Object changes properly
-- second stdClass Object doesn't change

I tried both negative as positive values, all work fine with the first values, but the second does not change. Disabling the DB_TIMEZONE values they stay the same.

stdClass Object
    [d] => 2019-11-01
    [t] => 18:13:26
stdClass Object
    [d] => 2019-11-01
    [t] => 18:13:26
01-11-2019 17:44:44

I tried the same thing and changing the time_zone values inside the test.php file, on the contrary, changes properly the second value and doesn't edit the first one. Here's the code with +02:00 set

stdClass Object
    [d] => 2019-11-01
    [t] => 18:44:29
stdClass Object
    [d] => 2019-11-01
    [t] => 19:44:29
01-11-2019 17:51:21

mirkosabia wrote:
I tried the same thing and changing the time_zone values inside the test.php file, on the contrary, changes properly the second value and doesn't edit the first one. Here's the code with +02:00 set

stdClass Object
    [d] => 2019-11-01
    [t] => 18:44:29
stdClass Object
    [d] => 2019-11-01
    [t] => 19:44:29

Same here smile

03-11-2019 20:08:04

maiandavid wrote:
gcut76 wrote:
Thank you for your help!

Here's what happens:

-- first stdClass Object changes properly
-- second stdClass Object doesn't change

I tried both negative as positive values, all work fine with the first values, but the second does not change. Disabling the DB_TIMEZONE values they stay the same.

stdClass Object
    [d] => 2019-11-01
    [t] => 18:13:26
stdClass Object
    [d] => 2019-11-01
    [t] => 18:13:26

So, it doesn't work on your server. I`m afraid I have no idea why. sad This isn't related to Maian Responder btw, you would get the same result running it directly on your server.

I don't get it, what timezone settings should I play with? The one on the test.php file or the one on the connect.php file? What /test.php proper behaviour should be?

04-11-2019 06:02:11

MSWORLD wrote:
If you specify +02:00 for example.

Where? On the test.php file or on the control/connect.php file?

04-11-2019 06:24:38

If I play with the time_zone settings in the test.php file it changes properly the second value:


 "SET `time_zone` = '+01:00'" 


 stdClass Object
    [d] => 2019-11-04
    [t] => 07:20:03
stdClass Object
    [d] => 2019-11-04
    [t] => 07:20:03


 "SET `time_zone` = '+02:00'" 


 stdClass Object
    [d] => 2019-11-04
    [t] => 07:23:52
stdClass Object
    [d] => 2019-11-04
    [t] => 08:23:52
05-11-2019 20:38:44

Well it does work, but it changes the first value instead of the second one.


 define('DB_TIMEZONE', '+01:00'); 

in the connect.php file and

 $q = $DB->db_query("SET `time_zone` = '+01:00'"); 


stdClass Object
    [d] => 2019-11-05
    [t] => 21:30:02
stdClass Object
    [d] => 2019-11-05
    [t] => 21:30:02

and setting +02:00

stdClass Object
    [d] => 2019-11-05
    [t] => 22:30:51
stdClass Object
    [d] => 2019-11-05
    [t] => 22:30:51

But the issue remains, regardless of which value I enter follow up are sent 1h earlier. The only way to make it work is by setting GMT (like London or Dublin) from the settings, but doing so make broadcasts 1h earlier - I'm going crazy

06-11-2019 20:37:11

Oh, jeez!

Well not a big deal anyway, I will figure out some workaround.

Anyway, this may be helpful: at some point, I got this error log:

Enabled: 6 November 2019 @ 20:54:21
Code: 1298
Error: Unknown or incorrect time zone: 'Europe/Rome'
File: /responder/control/classes/class.db.php
Line: 456

SET `time_zone` = 'Europe/Rome'
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