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support for Coinbase, not Commerce Coinbase? (two different sites)Posts in the Maian Coin forum by zoldos
12-02-2022 21:44:13

I had a heck of a time creating a Commerce Coinbase account and eventually gave up as it was asking for a QR code scan which I did, but it didn't seem to work and that is the only way to get access. sad

The point being, I have a fully verified, ready to go Coinbase account which is a separate site.  Is there any chance for an integration for that? (


14-02-2022 10:05:11

I'll be reviewing the Maian Coin payment options soon, so I'll take a look. I did look at it originally, but either it wasn't compatible or I couldn't test it, not sure now.

The coin API's are a total pain and difficult to test unless you have test coins or actual coins. I'll see what is currently the best options when I update.

David - Lead Developer/Programmer
20-08-2022 18:23:08

Okay, thanks!  I hope you can integrate it.  big_smile

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