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Can support supply more details on install issues?Posts in the Maian Cube forum by burlinwa
23-07-2022 14:45:01

Hello Maian Support,

I am having installation issues.
I have and can supply and configuration data, settings, or screenshots if needed.
Can you developers offer a generic PHP file, or your optimal Exact Suggested Setup YOU USE for your TESTING and Development? or what you use during your installation services?
Your help docs is very limited so I have been in do-it-yourself mode.
BTW, if you make good documentation, your info is basic, with no walk-through, no pictures or screen-shots. Can't someone do an install guide with screenshots so people can get your product installed?
Then you will not have to be time-taxed with support issues as the good documentation will save all your time.
Write-once, reuse always.
I believe you can supply better documentation to help people downloading trial/free version get your product installed correctly, so that they would be impressed with your product and want to whip out their credit card and buy a paid-for version.

I added entry for "Logging".
I have installed on :
My local Windows 10 Computer
a local ubuntu machine
a hyper-v machine with ubuntu

I have installed: MySQL 5.7, PHP 7.1 (I had tried 7.0, but phpmyadmin required higher version).
The install of: MYSQL is working and tested.
I can get command-line PHP response/output.
My Apache2 server is working
The Maian Cube Installer shows "PASSED" for all checks.
I start the install, the WHEEL GIF pops up, and then....NOTHING!
It will sit for ever doing nothing.


Script: Maian Cube
Script Version: 3.0
PHP Version:
DB Version: 5.7.38
Server Software: Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu)
Platform: Other
Table: mc_settings
Operation: Create
Error Code: 1067
Error Msg: Invalid default value for 'autoenable'
On Line: 21
In File: /var/www/html/cube/install/control/tables.php
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Table: mc_products
Operation: Create
Error Code: 1067
Error Msg: Invalid default value for 'expire_on'
On Line: 21
In File: /var/www/html/cube/install/control/tables.php

I'm not sure how to fix this error?
Please help me get your product installed. I am excited about trying your product, but oh-so-frustrated right now.

Thank You, Wayne

ANSWERS & HELP for others:

LAMP SH Script
If other mysql versions were previously installed.
Uninstall & Clean MySQL- you will need to look this up for more details, but this command may work,
sudo apt-get purge mysql-server mysql-client mysql-common mysql-server-core-* mysql-client-core-*
Checking machine MySQL Packages
sudo apt-cache policy mysql-server
Installing MySQL 5.7
sudo apt install -f mysql-client=5.7* mysql-community-server=5.7* mysql-server=5.7*
After desired version of mysql is installed-Restricting upgrade of current mysql
sudo apt-mark hold mysql-server
Disable mysql strict mode
sudo nano /etc/mysql/conf.d/disable_strict_mode.cnf

mysql -u root -p -e "SELECT @@GLOBAL.sql_mode;"
sudo mysql -u root -p -e "SET GLOBAL sql_mode = 'NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION';"

PHP Install & Management
One of the easiest methods I found was using ppa:ondrej/php
After install use the update-alternatives and a2dismod and a2enmod to disable all PHP versions except the one you want to use.
Check online for full install details.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
EG: sudo update-alternatives --set php-config /usr/bin/php-config7.1
EG: sudo update-alternatives --set phar /usr/bin/phar7.1
EG: sudo a2dismod php8.1
EG: sudo a2enmod php7.1
Other requirements:
sudo apt install php-mbstring php-zip php-gd php-json php-curl
Verifying versions: php -v, lsb_release -a, mysql -V, apache2 -v
You can also create a phpinfo.php file for good detailed info
systemctl restart apache2
sudo systemctl start mysql.service

24-07-2022 04:41:22

Hi Wayne,

Sorry to hear you have been having issues. Writing comprehensive guides isn't a viable option and it's too time consuming. We have done it in the past, but servers are different, setups are different, third party services keep changing their interfaces so screenshots become obsolete. There is too much information to keep checking. In the past we had YouTube videos, Vimeo videos, but all become out of date.

DB errors relating to invalid default values is because of later MySQL versions and strict mode. We have sorted this in the new version and that will be released soon, which also has support for PHP7.4 and 8.0/8.1 etc. Covid screwed up our development plans for awhile as we had to put everything on hold while we helped other people, but now things are starting to move forward again. smile

To fix the problem, open the 'control/classes/class.db.php' file. Change line 36 to:

db::db_query("SET `sql_mode` = ''");

Save and then try again.

David - Lead Developer/Programmer
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