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Page management / new features ?Posts in the Maian Music forum by JumpinJack
17-01-2017 17:11:29

Hi, Couple of things I was wanting to know.

Is there a way to add HTML code into the other pages ? Like adding pictures into the pages to explain things?

Also in a future will there be an option to add things like sample packs ? Or just a way to add zip files to be purchased ?

Cheers smile

18-01-2017 16:47:05

Yea I think the ability to sell sample packs ect would be a good feature ! Also if possible a section on the releases for labels the tracks are released with and the ability to list all releases from the labels would be another great feature big_smile !!

19-01-2017 17:15:59

JumpinJack wrote:
Is there a way to add HTML code into the other pages ? Like adding pictures into the pages to explain things?

I highly recommend creating a single new (custom) page and experimenting with it.

When I first got this CMS (about a year ago, I think), I made changes sort of cautiously. Nowadays, I do it quite recklessly, since I can always just restore earlier versions of any file that I break. (Obviously, you should constantly back-up older versions of your work.)

JumpinJack wrote:
Also in a future will there be an option to add things like sample packs ? Or just a way to add zip files to be purchased ?

There is support for selling attachments zipped along with music sold. With a bit of customising (this is not specifically a guaranteed feature of Maian Music), it can be used to sell anything. There is (somewhere in the help files) a caution about making zip files too large. I have successfully tested selling single MP3s zipped with PDFs and single MP3s zipped with a 100 MB video file. (I haven't ventured to try anything larger than that.) The PHP in Maian Music is well organised and heavily commented, and so if you are trying to customise it to fit your needs, it can take a little while if you aren't very familiar with PHP but if you are, there is so much else you can do with it. (Of course, you have to be careful not to break any existing functionality.)

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