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Mailproblem V3 - SolvedPosts in the Maian Cart forum by Lasse
31-01-2017 22:03:24

When testing the contact us e-mail function with the test button everything is ok. But when I send a question from the contact us form, only the customer gets a copy of the question, the program dosen`t send me the mail to the specified e-mail adress that I wrote in the general settings. I assume that there must be some bug in the system that only lets one mail go out ( the copy the the one that wrote it ) but the shop owner never gets one.

02-02-2017 07:40:35

David, this is what I got.
My webshops mail is When acting as a customer I wrote the e-mail to another one of my domains  ( ) but it says the mail is rejected becouse the usernames dosen´t match? Of course they dosen`t match, one is the shops mail and the other one is the customers.

When sending a testmail from admin page, the test mail shows up in my webbshop@rpmracing accounts inbox, that part works fine.

And when a customer does a Product Enquiry , eveything is ok. Both the customer and shop owner gets a copy. It´s seems that it´s only when the customer uses the "contac us" form in the footer that the problems occurs. Could it be that you are checking on licensed version and I´m not ? Thought I would get mine by translation it into swedish wink

SERVER -> CLIENT: 554 5.7.1 Recipient address rejected: Username and sender doesnt match
SMTP ERROR: RCPT TO command failed: 554 5.7.1 Recipient address rejected: Username and sender doesnt match
SERVER -> CLIENT: 250 2.0.0 Ok
SMTP Error: The following recipients failed: Recipient address rejected: Username and sender doesnt match
SERVER -> CLIENT: 250 2.1.0 Ok
SERVER -> CLIENT: 250 2.1.5 Ok
SERVER -> CLIENT: 354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>

03-02-2017 07:55:18

I`m sorry David, still the same problem. Recipient address rejected: Username and sender doesnt match
"contac us" in footer only sends copy to user.
"product Enquiry" works fine and sends copy to both user and shop owner.

Ps. I did it like this:


on both lines.

03-02-2017 20:58:16

David, I have sent you an e-mail.
I found this when I reversed the page and looked at the source of the page that shows the product
In the form for "product enquiry" that works the string is

 <label style="padding-top:10px">Email</label > <input type="text" name="que[em]" value="" class="form-control" tabindex="2">

In the "contact us" form in footer the string is

<input type="text" name="msg[em]" value="" class="form-control" placeholder="Your Email">

The only difference I can see is the "que em"  and "ms em" . Could i just change the messenger em to question em and see what happens ? ( ms em  to que em  in the messenger box in footer ) And if so, where do I change it?
It`s not a big deal If I get a question or a message from a customer smile

09-02-2017 13:25:10

Update - David changed the following so now it´s working smile

control/system/home.php (lines 177 & 178)

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