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installing greetings scriptsPosts in the Maian Greetings forum by kh67
19-08-2017 22:40:38

I have now installed the greeting script but have trouble getting categories to work.
They are created on MySQL but cannot be displayed.
None of the included cards can be displayed.
Otherwise, the installation went through without showing any errors.
It seems like there is something missing in the download file.

I was considering buying it, but if it doesn't work.

Greetings Kim

20-08-2017 08:36:51

Hello again.

I have just one more question to greeting v. 3.
I have used v. 2 A part and liked the extra features as there is gone in the new version. Is it under construction they are gone and come again later?

Greetings Kim

03-09-2017 20:55:56

No, I have not yet solved the problems of categories. There is still nothing
Displayed by it.
It tries to open a directories in the root that do not exist. They should probably have been in the file I got to upload. And it is not enough to create the folder.
When I heard nothing from you I was about to abandon it and considered just discard it all.

06-09-2017 19:51:08

I changed the name now and it doesn't seem that it has changed anything

06-09-2017 20:13:57

There is not a folder named "Ecard" as it says in the address it tries to open and it has never been.

The requested URL /greetings/ecard/love-in-a-twirl was not found on this server.

06-09-2017 20:21:28

can i get your mail adres?

06-09-2017 20:49:16

Yes... did it.
I was missing a dot in front of htaccess...

Now it works

Really many thanks

I will now start with a Danish translation... is it something you can use with to others?

08-09-2017 14:57:31

Yes it could be good.
What about suport script I also have in demo would you have it in Danish to?

02-11-2017 21:44:23

maiandavid wrote:
Glad you got it working. smile

A Danish translation would be most welcome, thank you. I can offer you a free commercial licence in return if you are interested.

Would you be willing to do so for a Dutch translation as well?

Kind regards,

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