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Raun @ 06-08-2020 12:15:21

The web host support team informed me they had some configuration issues with a Maian manual install but they’ve risen to the challenge and Maian has been successfully installed.

I've registered a Maian client account, have gotten a Maian ticket submitted without an account, and have enabled Maian visitor accounts what with the emails sending as they should. Based on what I’ve looked at on the site so far things seem to be working as they should so I can look forward to further exploring your software to see what it has to offer.

Thank you for your assistance.

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Raun @ 04-08-2020 21:13:33

I installed it via Softaculous apps installer through my web host. I’ve attached an image of the webpage which displays the particulars of your software.

I installed it for the very first time within this past week. Within the short time it’s been installed it’s always been this version, v4.3, and has never been upgraded. If there are different versions of files mixed up I have no idea how they got that way having installed it through Softaculous directly off my web host. Is it possible the Maian download available at the web host needs replacing? I'm not aware if the software actually installs from another website called Softaculous or from within the web host. I can email you the name of the web host if you find it's necessary.

The reasons I chose Maian Support is because it’s compatible with the PHP version I’m currently using so it’s not likely I’d upgrade it from this version if the upgrade requires a higher PHP version. I also like Maian’s fresh, clean appearance, that I can build tickets with multiple fields, and the clients can leave attachments. Once we get this sorted I am looking forward to seeing what other features it offers and exploring my options as to just what I can do with this software.

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Raun @ 04-08-2020 06:56:07

Good Day,

I've sent an email to the address given.

Thank You

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Raun @ 02-08-2020 08:42:15

Good Day,

Today I installed Maian Support v4.3. My websites are served with PHP v5.5.

I logged into my Maian Administrator account to confirm the installation and looked around.

Next I logged out as Administrator and I visited the webpage that non-administrators would see when visiting the website. There I registered a test account.

As you see I got confirmation that the first stage of the account registration was successful. However I never received an email in the inbox at the test email address. I looked over your forums and noticed a post about ensuring the mail settings are correct. I changed the mail setting from SMTP to PHP Mail Function and tried this again. I received the confirmation email with a link to visit so as to confirm the registration. Upon visiting the link I got these error messages.


Inside the “logs/errors.log” file there are two [Error Code: 2]’s (each on line 29) followed by one [Error Code: 8] (on line 300).

Inside the “logs/fatal_errors.log” file there is one [Error Code: 1] (on line 190).

I can display the contents of these logs in another post if you need to see them.


After receiving the error messages I checked the email account inbox and I had not received any email acknowledging my test account registration.

Next I tried opening the confirmation link in another browser tab and received this message:

There was still no message in the email account inbox so I selected to resend the confirmation email.

I again checked the email account inbox and the message was now there. I logged in as the test client and changed my password.

I then attempted to open a ticket as the new client. I added a small attachment made up of an image that was under 100KB in size. The image size is well under the upload size limit and the image extension is an allowable file format. When the test message was ready to send I attempted to send it. I get nothing but the animated progress indicator which can be seen in the middle of the following image.

The indicator remains animated (it doesn’t hang or freeze) indicating the sending of the ticket is still in progress but there is never any confirmation that it has been sent. When I log in as the Administrator there is no received new ticket in the ticket queue. When I log in as the client my account shows no open tickets.

I am hopeful you could suggest what the problem might be.

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