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BurkeKnight @ 12-05-2016 14:46:38

David, I'm thinking, that nomicool means to move from domain.ext/helpdesk/ to just domain.ext

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BurkeKnight @ 10-05-2016 11:44:51

Hmmm. Odd indeed.
It happened to both the ones I had set up, different domains, and servers.
Wonder if there's some sort of server caching on some servers, that could cause this?

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BurkeKnight @ 07-05-2016 15:54:16

maiandavid wrote:
Ian, no, departments don`t have to be emptied.

I think that was meant for deleting, David, in reply to your stating they have to be empty to delete them.

maiandavid wrote:
What browser are you guys using? Chrome is probably the worst for caching.

I use firefox, but after adding, it takes time to see it show up, on multiple browsers, devices, and even networks, aa my partner in Italy also had to wait for the department to show up, few days after I made it.

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BurkeKnight @ 03-05-2016 13:26:20

Indeed so.
That was why I had asked David about a caching on the software, but he said there was none, which makes this even stranger, to me.

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BurkeKnight @ 02-05-2016 04:25:42

I too, had this issue, and have you cleared your browser's cache?
I had, but it did not appear to work for me, until I ended up busy, then checked a couple days later, and there was the new departments, in the drop down.
I'm starting to think if could be a server caching issue, now that someone else is having this issue.

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BurkeKnight @ 10-04-2016 13:47:05

Funny, after few days, it appeared in the drop down list. Maybe a caching issue?
If so, may need way to clear the helpdesk's cache after making such changes.
After all, it did not show even on browsers that never opened the site at all, until now.

Is there a way, to set a link, to open new ticket, using specific department?

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BurkeKnight @ 07-04-2016 15:02:41

maiandavid wrote:

And the 'Display on Open New Ticket Page' is also checked?

Yes, it is.

maiandavid wrote:
You can make the department hidden if you want to. On the open ticket template the 'dept' part of the form would need hiding.

A better way for custom signup forms might be the api? Then everything is done in the background and you could use the API to open the ticket with the relevant info after successful payment from the gateway via a callback page.

I'd have no clue on doing that. We can't even get a nice contact for to cooperate....LOL
However, hidden, is not really needed, as if they try to use the department for anything else, can just change it, or delete it.

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BurkeKnight @ 07-04-2016 10:38:21

I created a new department, set to visible on all days, yet not visible.
No idea why it will not show when try to open new ticket on a client account.

Premium Hosting Signup
Manual Assign: No • Visible: Yes

Any idea why it will not show?

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BurkeKnight @ 07-04-2016 09:27:34

Ok David, here's an odd one for you.
On my web host, I'd like to ditch the old contact form I had, where the client would fill out the fields I had, then submit, to do a Premium Hosting signup.
I'd like it to be in the support site, instead.

However, not too sure how would do that.
I'd like to know, if maybe make a department (Premium Hosting Signup) and set it to not be seen, unless it's called directly via a link (Would be the link PayPal sends to after payment).
There, they'd file a ticket, and enter the info required, (Domain, PayPal invoice #, plan chose, etc.) and submit it.

However, would only be readable by the admin account, if possible.
How would I set that up?

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BurkeKnight @ 14-03-2016 14:35:44

In the database, under the Settings table, you need to look at and replace the paths for everything.
Use phpMyAdmin to do this, and should be able to change and get it working easily.

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BurkeKnight @ 05-03-2016 14:46:50

I'd like to be able to email the clients, of changes to the support system.
However, there's no option to do so.
I'd like to see this added, if can. smile

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BurkeKnight @ 07-02-2016 16:20:44

Thank you.
I dabble a bit in css and php. wink
I used to code a lot for SMF forums (mods and themes) and now do for ElkArte forums.
Been doing forums since 2007, and some design work, too.
It is a pain, especially when trying to keep responsive, I can tell you that! LOL

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BurkeKnight @ 07-02-2016 15:05:51

This thread is for people to post screenshots of their Maian Support helpdesk.
Please be sure to follow normal forum rules, and that your helpdesk is not for a site that may go against Terms of Service, and does not contain anything offensive.

This thread is so that we users of Maian Support, can show others how we have worked design, as well as other tweaks that make our helpdesks ours.

To start, this one is for my web host support.

First image, is the main page when people come to the site.
I do not use the FAQ, as I have a Knowledge base in my community forum, so I replaced it on main page, with a login form.

I have also themed out the admin section, so they both now match the main web host site better.

Hope all like how it looks. smile

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BurkeKnight @ 07-02-2016 14:07:45

I'd love to see a pinned thread, where people could post links and screenshots of their work on their helpdesks.
I've done some work on mine, and would love to get input on what people think. smile

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BurkeKnight @ 06-02-2016 11:50:56

Very nice! Thank you for thinking of my idea. smile

On a further note, I'm disabled with no income, and run a web host that just pays for itself, so I won't be able to buy a license, which is why doing what can to the helpdesk free version I can. Thank you so very much for the best helpdesk program available. The responsive design is the main reason I chose this one, and loving the simplicity of working it. smile

Keep up the great work, and I'll be sure to pass along the word on this product. smile

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BurkeKnight @ 06-02-2016 00:20:58

Ah, okay, that is sort of what figured, but had to be sure. smile
Thank you!

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BurkeKnight @ 06-02-2016 00:19:41

Thank you, and I have found another way to remove, you may not have thought of: control/header.php

$tpl->assign('TITLE', ($title ? mswSafeDisplay($title) . ': ' : '') . str_replace('{website}', mswSafeDisplay($SETTINGS->website), $msg_header) . (LICENCE_VER != 'unlocked' ? ' (' . $msg_script18 . ' ' . $msg_script . ')' : '') . (LICENCE_VER != 'unlocked' ? ' - Free Version' : ''));


$tpl->assign('TITLE', ($title ? mswSafeDisplay($title) . ': ' : '') . str_replace('{website}', mswSafeDisplay($SETTINGS->website), $msg_header));

Sorry if had sounded a bit out of sorts on this. I just found it strange, but, in a sense, not really that bad an idea, that I could use on a project I'm working on. smile

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BurkeKnight @ 05-02-2016 17:20:51

Okay, I have no issues with leaving copyright an all.
However, I do find it rather strange to have this in the page titles: (Powered by Helpdesk) - Free Version
Is there a way to edit that out of the titles?
I mean, I totally understand keeping the copyright and links in the free version, but in the title, is just not right, in my honest opinion.
I help code (voluntarily) for a free forum software, and we do not have anything like that added to the titles of people's sites that use the forum.
Thank you.

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BurkeKnight @ 05-02-2016 16:41:00

Okay, in setting up, one of my people set up a client account, and I'd like to know if there's a way to just switch that account to a staff account.
This way, would not have to make a new account.

Thank you.

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