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Semper @ 15-07-2019 13:15:55

I got it to work!  I must have had one little thing off in the path.  I just loaded two tracks.

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Semper @ 15-07-2019 03:35:36

Well I'm closer now, and it lets me select the folder, but it keeps saying there are no mp3 files in the folder even though I'm looking at them.  It even displays the correct path to them.  It's not recognizing my mp3 files no matter what folder I put them in.  I can change the path, but it never really gives me a folder selection.  Any folder it shows has (Root) next to it, and it says the folder is empty.

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Semper @ 15-07-2019 01:09:52

Hi David, thanks for the response.  I guess the part I'm lost on is how to create a CSV file, and why you need one just to upload a single track.  I love the design, and it appears to be just what I need, but I guess i just need to be step by step smart on it.  I have mp3 and mp4 files to use, and I've uploaded them to the folders required by the instructions, but the need for a CSV is kinda getting in the way.  What does it do, and why do you need it?  Also, when I do try to Import from CSV I get a popup telling me the free version only allows 100 tracks.  I haven't loaded any tracks yet, so why do i get that?

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Semper @ 14-07-2019 17:49:06

ukdenny wrote:
I am having the same issue. Tried allsorts of combinations in the settings to the secure folder but cannot add tracks. Getting quite frustrated after3 hours.

Me too.  All I want to do is load ONE track to see how it's done, and test the free version.  I'm ready to purchase a license, but i have to know that it works first.

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Semper @ 14-07-2019 17:45:02

I can't figure out how to load a track period on here, and I think detailed instructions are needed.  The only option to load a track is via CSV file, and unless you know what that is, none of this makes sense.  Why can't you just upload an mp3 or mp4 file?  I'm not understanding this at all.  I just want to test this out before purchasing a license, but I can't do that without loading at least one track.  I see the demos and screenshots with preview links, so I know it can be done, but how?  The instructions are too vague.

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